Saturday, May 18, 2013

Welcome Pope Francis

I like the new pope.  Francis is cool to say the least.  I was loving all the attention the media was giving to the Vatican after our beloved Holy Father Benedict XVI turned in his notice.  Where is the news coverage now?  I guess electing another Catholic to be head of the Catholic Church is not too exciting.  However, if you want to know what a great job our new pope is doing there are some good ways keep up with what's happening at the Vatican.  I check on a regular basis to follow the pope's activities.  You can also subscribe to a news service called Zenit (The World Seen from Rome) to get regular updates from the Vatican and you can sign up for regular news updates.  I am finding one of the coolest ways to follow the pope is to quite literally "follow" him on Twitter.  Just go to your Twitter and search for Pope Francis or enter pontifex and then select your language.  The Holy Father has 2.2 million followers on Twitter at the moment and he has tweeted some pretty cool messages.  Viva il Papa!